freebsd-rustdate check-sys

This shows difference on your running system vs. the clean upstream state.

If you’re not up to date with the latest patch version, it can’t tell the difference between “my files are oudated” and “my files have been changed”, so you presumably want to be up to date. It also doesn’t know anything about merged files, etc. So it shouldn’t be treated as “any output means a problem” and more of a “does this output look like what I expect”.

This fills a similar role to freebsd-update’s IDS command. It’s useful to give you ideas for what you might want to run extract on.

See Also

You better be fetch’d up to the latest patchlevel, or there’ll be a lot of noise in the output. And don’t forget to install after you fetch

If there are things you don’t expect here, you may be wanting to use extract to overwrite them.